Policy paper

Combating Holocaust denial through law in the United Kingdom

Assessing the threat posed by Holocaust deniers following the 'Holocaust denial trial'

What's in the report:

This report explores the area of Holocaust denial in the United Kingdom. It finds that Holocaust denial has limited impact upon public attitudes in Britain. The report also mentions how the criminalization of Holocaust denial has been proposed because current legislation against hate speech has not had the effect of prohibiting the production and dissemination of denial material. In addition to looking at the United Kingdom, references are made to successful prosecutions of Holocaust denial in France and Germany but with the caveat that even in countries with such legislation, the total number of prosecutions is very small. The report concludes with unanimous view that the criminalization of Holocaust denial in the United Kingdom would be inadvisable and asserts that educating the public in the future will still be strong enough to outweigh ignorance and misinformation.

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