About the 2024 Jewish Current Affairs Survey

The 2024 Jewish Current Affairs Survey is designed to provide in-depth information on some of the key issues facing Jews in the UK today, and to help community leaders to plan for the future of the British Jewish community.

The survey covers a range of topics including the October 7 attacks on Israel, the current war in Gaza, antisemitism in Britain and the UK General Election, as well as questions about everyday life, mental health and participation in sporting activities.

Survey FAQs

What is the JPR panel?

JPR conducts online surveys about a wide range of issues of concern to Jewish organisations operating across the community. JPR panel was formed at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, when real-time data about how the coronavirus affected Jews in the UK was crucial. We collect and analyse data to ensure that organisations and policymakers working to support and enhance Jewish life have the statistics and information they need. 

The data we generate is designed to provide community leaders with the information they need to help them plan for the future. Our research panel is a large database of Jews from across the UK who have agreed to participate in these surveys and share their thoughts on key issues affecting Jewish life. Anyone who is Jewish, aged 16 or above and lives in the UK is free to join.

The panel is managed by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), an independent research organisation providing data to help Jewish organisations in the UK and across Europe plan for the future. You can learn more about our work by visiting the JPR website: www.jpr.org.uk

Who will be using the results of this survey?

First and foremost, the findings from this survey will be shared with Jewish community leaders to ensure that they have a detailed and comprehensive understanding of  the community's opinion on some of the most pressing topics concerning Jews in the UK today.

JPR will also work to share the results with anyone outside the community in position to improve policy making for the Jewish community. Working in close cooperation with key organisation in and for the Jewish community, we expect the data then to be used to help support community work aimed at enhancing Jewish life, and promoting better services across all key fields, including mental health, education, welfare and combating antisemitism.

As always, all the reports, insights and events produced based on your responses will be available to download free from our website.

Do I have to join the panel to take part in JPR surveys?

Yes, you must register as a panel member to take any of our surveys.

Joining the  panel is important as it helps us to ensure that our findings are as representative as possible of the Jewish population, and track changes that occur over time. We only hold one or two surveys each year, and joining the panel does not mean you have to take part in all, or any, of them – you are free to opt out at any time.

How long will it take me to complete the survey?

The 2024 Jewish Current Affairs Survey takes about 30 minutes to complete but can be a little longer or shorter than that. You do not have to complete the survey in one sitting: once you have registered, you will be sent a personalised link to the survey, which you can use to complete it at any time. If you choose to stop at any point, you can use that same link to come back into the survey at the point where you left off.

How will you protect my privacy?

JPR complies with data protection legislation and has a strict policy not to sell or share personal information with third parties. Any data collected will not be supplied, shared or disclosed to any external organisations or individuals, unless you give explicit permission or there is a legal obligation to do so. However, there may be some cases where we will have to share your personal data, such as if we are required to do so by law or in response to a court order or law enforcement agency.

On occasion, we may share your email address with trusted suppliers of survey incentives in order for panel members to receive prizes and awards. In addition, in exceptional circumstances, where we think someone is at serious risk of being harmed or is in immediate danger, we may contact the police or a local health or relevant safeguarding team to intervene.

All individual responses to JPR surveys are treated in the strictest confidence and anonymised and amalgamated for analytical purposes. No individuals will be able to be identified in the results. After analysis, our anonymised research findings are shared to support community planning.

Your responses will be used only for statistical tabulations, such as "75% of Jews in the UK make at least one charitable donation per annum" or "60% of Jews in the UK belong to a synagogue." Your individual answers will never be shown in a manner that reveals your identity. For further details click here.

Are there any rewards for taking part?

In addition to making your voice heard and helping the community, all survey participants can win one of five £100 gift vouchers, which you can either enjoy yourself or give to a friend, family member, or charity of your choice.

How can I contact you for further details or to offer feedback?

If you have any other questions, please email us at panel@jpr.org.uk and your request will be directed to the most appropriate person to deal with it. We will endeavour to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible.

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Panel FAQs

Do you have any other questions about JPR's panel? Find out more below.

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Contact JPR

The Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) is a registered charity (no. 252626)...