Panel agreement

This is an agreement informing you of what it means to be a member of the JPR panel and details our respective responsibilities. Please read this agreement carefully.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

As a panel member, you will be contacted from time to time and asked to take part in our research. This will largely take the form of online surveys, but may, over time, include interviews, focus groups or discussions, if you are willing.

We plan to invite each panel member to participate in up to four surveys a year. On each occasion, we will contact you and give you all the relevant information about the research and ask if you are willing to take part. You will always have the right to decline without having to give a reason. Every time you participate, you will be able to enter a prize draw to thank you for your participation.

Please note that this document is not a contract of employment and does not give you any rights as an employee or oblige us to provide you with work.

Your responsibilities as a panel member

If you complete any of our surveys, it will be your responsibility to:

  • Treat seriously all questions asked, and answer all questions honestly.
  • Let us know if you have any problems or queries so we can help.
  • Ensure that you will not at any time use the fact that you have participated in JPR surveys in any advertising or marketing material, or seek to associate yourself with JPR at any time without our prior consent.

Our responsibilities towards you

If you participate in any research for JPR, it will be our responsibility to:

  • Provide you with clear information about what is required, including incentives, deadlines and practical considerations.
  • Provide you with any assistance, within reason, that we can offer to help you to complete the survey.
  • Respond to your queries quickly and efficiently.
  • Notify prize draw winners within one month of the closure of any given survey.

Duration of this agreement: This agreement will continue until it is terminated by either you or JPR by giving notice by post, email or by phone.

Intellectual property rights: All intellectual property rights relating to the research, including your records and responses, belong to JPR.

Data protection: By signing this agreement, you agree that we may retain personal data you have provided to JPR. We know that privacy matters to you so the information you have provided to us will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone outside JPR.

The software for the surveys is provided by Forsta. Forsta does not have any access to the data other than when JPR permits Forsta under supervision solely for technical support work. Access is revoked once work is completed.

For more details on how JPR panel protects your privacy click here.

Contact information

Please direct all queries to:

JPR / Institute for Jewish Policy Research

6 Greenland Place

London NW1 0AP

Tel. 0800 044 5077


The Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) is a registered charity (no. 252626) and company limited by guarantee (registration no. 00894309 London), registered office as above.

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