Stichting Institute for Jewish Policy Research

Statutory name: Stichting Institute for Jewish Policy Research

Date of Deed of Incorporation: 28 October 2021

RSIN: 863186063


Policy Plan

Main objectives

The objectives of the Foundation are to promote, assist in, organise, and carry out the study or, research into, and the increase of knowledge concerning the social, religious, cultural, economic and communal life and the welfare and status of Jews and Jewish communities throughout Europe. This includes international and national questions, trends, views and conditions in regard to their effects on the life, welfare and status of the Jewish people and the relations between Jews and non-Jews. The Foundation will not make a profit.

The Foundation’s work is driven by a central principle: everything we do should support Jewish community planning and development. The data, analysis and ideas generated by the Foundation should provide a vital empirical basis for any discussions, debates and decisions about the future of Jewish life in Europe.

Nearly 1.3 million Jews live in Europe, 790,000 of whom are based in the 27 countries of the European Union, with most of the rest based in the UK, Russia and Ukraine. Building on the work of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) in the UK, the Foundation will construct a robust understanding of the demographic characteristics of these populations and the internal dynamics of community life which are essential to the future of Jewish life on the continent. The Foundation will monitor key demographic developments, as well as undertake regular commissioned research work on all aspects of Jewish life for the benefit of Jewish charities and foundations as well as major European bodies. such as the European Commission and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. By working closely with JPR in the UK, the Foundation has access to multiple datasets about Jews which have been gathered over many years and is well placed to both delve into these to help charities answer their policy questions and to determine what issues require the gathering of new data.

ANBI Standard Form 2023

As an ANBI, we are required to publish a standard form each year.

You can find the form for 2023 here:

Additional Information

Board members

Director A: Dr Jonathan Boyd

Title: Secretary/Treasurer; Secretaris/Penningmeester

Director A: Mr Stephen D. Moss CBE

Title: Chairman/Voorzitter

Director B: Ruben Koekoek

Title: Director/Bestuurder

Remuneration Policy

No remuneration can be granted to the Management Board members. Expenses may be reimbursed to the Management Board members on production of the necessary proof.

Authorised representative

Gevolmachtigde: Richard Goldstein

Title: Director/Directeur

December 2021 - since the Stichting is new, there are no activities to be reported yet. Within a few months, an up-to-date report of activities will be posted here.

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