Full report

What do Jews in the UK think about Israel and its leaders, and how has this changed since October 7?

British Jews are showing growing pessimism about Israel’s future alongside significant disapproval of the current Israeli leadership

Dr Carli Lessof Roy Shinar Cohen

In this report:

The report looks into what Jews in the UK think of key Israeli political leaders and the country’s future, drawing on data from the responses of over 4,500 adult British Jews, members of the JPR Research Panel, to the JPR Jewish Current Affairs Survey, held in June-July 2024. The report reveals that levels of pessimism about Israel’s current situation have increased significantly among British Jews when compared to data gathered before the October 7 attacks on Israel and the war in Gaza.

Some of the main findings in this report:

  • Three-quarters (74%) of Jews in the UK describe Israel’s situation as “bad” (37%) or “very bad” (37%), increasing from 57% measured in Apr/May 2023. Overall, Jews in the UK characterise Israel’s current state more negatively than Israelis.
  • 95% of adult British Jews have an opinion on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the most widely known leader among those examined. Four in five Jews hold an unfavourable opinion of him, with 65% saying they “strongly disapprove” and 15% saying they “somewhat” disapprove of him.
  • Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (-78%), Minister of Security Itamar Ben-Gvir (-77%) and Netanyahu (-68%) are the Israeli leaders British Jews least approve of when looking at their net approval ratings. Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid (+12%) and former Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister Benny Gantz (+10%) are the only two leaders showing positive net ratings among those examined.
  • Lapid is the only leader examined showing an increase in net approval rate compared to data from before October 7.
  • Politically ‘right-leaning’ Jews were much more likely to approve of Netanyahu than those who are ‘left-leaning’.

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Dr Carli Lessof

Senior Research Fellow

Dr Carli Lessof

Senior Research Fellow

Carli is a Senior Research Fellow at JPR, responsible for JPR’s community statistics programme, online research panel, and monitoring and evaluation. She completed her PhD...

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Roy Shinar Cohen

JPR Intern

Roy Shinar Cohen

JPR Intern

Roy Shinar Cohen was an Oxford University Q-Step intern at JPR in the summer of 2024. He is a student of Philosophy, Politics and Economics...

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